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ENG 101

1st place: Amanda Taylor “Four Tan Walls”

2nd place: Lauren Ice “Senior Prank”

3rd place: Adriana Orman “The Good Me’wee”

Honorable Mention: Kent Mosher “Reducing the Costs of High Priced Textbooks”

ENG 102

1st Place: Amy Karabowicz “Ancient Egyptian Artifacts: Preservation and Ownership”

2nd Place (tie): Kelly Strickler “Why is Sheriff Arpaio so Immensely Popular in Maricopa County?”

2nd Place (tie): Caroline Pratt “Homeowners’ Associations – Friend or Foe?”

3rd Place: Kelly Strickler “A Music Industry for the New Millennium”

ENG 105

1st Place: Molly Williams “Schadenfreude”

2nd Place: Lisa Potter “Now with 50% Less Sugar: The Transformation of Television Families from Idyllic to Realistic”

3rd Place: Emily Rice “The Good, the Bad, and The B-Word”

Honorable Mention: Ashley Letizia “Beating the Battle against Illegal Immigration”

ENG 217

1st Place: Sam Nalven “Tock . . . Tick . . .”

2nd Place: Sam Nalven “Back Yard Forts and First Kisses”

3rd Place (tie): Mariana Garay “Determined to Chase Education”

3rd Place (tie): Joanie Gillooly “Homework for God”