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2017 Winners

2017 Student Portfolios

Bailey Roos

ENG 105 Nate Bump

Upon reading and meditating on the writings of Bailey Roos, it is no surprise that her academic training lies in the study of Philosophy and Global Leadership. Roos demonstrates a deep awareness and understanding of global concerns. Beyond having developed such an intellectual awareness of the political and economic hurdles that humanity faces, Roos also demonstrates a sincere and genuine resolution to “do something about it.” This Arizona State University student produces three essays in which she brings to light issues...but even more than issues...people. Her writing blends the scientific and research-oriented style of an academic with the elegant and picturesque style of a novelist. This unique approach is, in itself, a testament to the great accomplishments that await.


Kelly Green

ENG 105 Nate Bump

Kelly’s e-portfolio represents the diversity of projects she engaged in throughout her writing experiences, relating to her interest in social justice at both the local and global levels. Her research shows just how passionate Kelly is about her writing while also incorporating her interests in both civil engineering and social enterprises, and we can all be certain that her pet hedgehog, Hazel, has always been proud of Kelly’s writing and research.


Jai Chahal

ENG 107 David Boyles

Every once on a while, writing students break from convention and do something really special. As I began to peruse Jai Chahal’s portfolio, I was intrigued with his cooking theme and the ways that he sought to defy my expectations through his visual and textual smorgasbord. This ENG 107 course, taught by our colleague David Boyle, challenged students to think beyond traditional writing class fare, by developing their own concoctions, and drafting new and original recipes. And Jai’s Digication really takes the cake.


James Fell

ENG 302 Adelheid Thieme

James Fell’s portfolio testifies to the great level of professionalism that is instilled and nurtured among Arizona State University’s business students. Employers and colleagues alike will be impressed with Fell’s compositional repertoire. From Business Correspondences to Resumes to News Memos, business-student Fell demonstrates a mastery of the qualities of succinctness, clarity, and verbal register as well as the use of tact in handling professional issues. This portfolio, therefore, succeeds in marketing its creator’s great competence and talent in the world of business.


Ana Rose Geyer

ENG 302 Adelheid Thieme

It is a true blessing to discover one’s strengths and passions early in life. It is even greater to be able to align such strengths and passions to one’s professional and personal life. This is the case with ASU’s Ana Rose Geyer. The Marketing and Tourism student has found the way to harmonize her extensive exposure to foreign cultures with her natural talent for the “art of presentation”—that ability that lies at the heart of Marketing. From Ana’s elegant profile portrait, with the soothing images of flower petals in the back, to the detail-oriented and effective communication displayed in her business materials, this portfolio effectively communicates professionalism at the highest level.


Justin Fritz

ENG 101 Jackie Brady

A visitor who stumbles upon Justin Fritz's portfolio is instantaneously captivated by his charming approach to life, work, and school. Two self-portraits on the front page communicate both Fritz' energy and enthusiasm towards life, as well as his artistic and humorous “Darth Vader-ish” style. Well organized and clearly written, Fritz’ literary work reveals that his light-hearted and simple style are in fact, merely the surface water of a deep well. His essays demonstrate high-level analysis, clarity of thought, organization, eloquence, and style. Fritz is, without a doubt, one example of the many great assets to be found at Arizona State University.


Rhiannon Waryck

ENG 302 Andrea Dickens

As I read these words in Shannon Waryck’s introduction,

“The arts have always been an inspiration for me to stay motivated and live my life to the fullest, and I want to be able to share that love of the arts with the world around me,” her Digication page came alive for me with the beautiful turquois blue border, and floral public mural image. A business entrepreneurship major, Shannon’s portfolio reflects her desire to share her skills and design sense with a broad audience. Easy to navigate, the links contain just enough information to showcase her clear writing, and her sense of harmony, and balance.

Shannon should be proud of her submission, as it illustrates an artful acumen and represents what we all want to see in Digication.


Aina Hamazah

ENG 108 Valerie Fazel

Aina has traveled and lived around the world, and her experiences have informed her work throughout her English classes. Her English 108 portfolio reflects her global experience, focusing on the lack of food diversity on our Arizona State Tempe campus, especially the dearth of Halal foods.  Through a series of well-constructed and well-presented essays and videos, her work represents how a collection of work can make a strong argument for meaningful change.


Angelina Yi

ENG 101 Elizabeth Lowry

While Angelina claims that English has never been her strongest subject, the strength of writing and reflection in her e-Portfolio would suggest otherwise.  Whether discussing ice cream, beauty, or love, Angelina orients her writing by her personal experiences as a Korean American.  Through her writing and presentations, we can see just how much research and learning to writer with more purpose has informed her opinions and will provide a solid backdrop for her studies in Industrial Engineering.


Shabab Siddique

ENG 102 Glenn Newman

As Shabab Saddique was my student last semester when he designed his eportfolio, I know about the work and decision-making process he followed to construct it, and I feel privileged to be able to honor him here. The design features of his portfolio follow his argument, that video games should be considered art, and bring the argument alive with visuals, vocals, and music. Shabab makes a great argument, and his Digication rendering supports it. Shabab embodied good student ethos as he trusted the revision process and took the critical advice that his classmates and I offered him about how to make his eportfolio the best it could be. As a result, he has created a fabulous showcase for his exceptional writing portfolio.


Hannah Steber

ENG 105 Kent Linthicum

Hannah’s interest in cellular biology and science in general is evident throughout her work in English 105. Her topics relate to how people think in all disciplines and later reflect the importance of the scientific method not just within the academic disciplines, but in society as a whole. Her portfolio demonstrates her desire for strict attention to facts whether discussing vaccines or Chargaff’s rule, and in her reflection, she emphasizes her own development when incorporating peer feedback into her writing processes.


McKaela Smith

ENG 105 Nate Bump

By the time I finished reading McKaela Smith’s opening page, I felt like I really knew her, and this is because she used Digication’s sophisticated features to present herself in the way she wants to be seen, including pictures of her with friends and faux mustache. And in this portfolio, she both shows and tells. Her writing topics reflect a true social conscience, and her prose follows the humanist ethos she begins on the first page, which she carries through to her last page. Using an anchoring photograph she took of Crater Lake in Washington, her home state, Mckaela’s Digication eportfolio makes a bold statement both visually and textually.

2017 Teacher Portfolio Awards

David Boyles

David’s Teaching Portfolio is an outstanding example of how teachers can archive their materials. His portfolio showcases his approach to teaching writing, an approach, as explained in his Teaching Philosophy, that is both original and grounded firmly in the rhetorical theory of Kenneth Burke and the participatory culture of Henry Jenkins. His elegant and informative Teaching Philosophy is emblematic of his entire portfolio, combining video clips, quotations, and specific concrete examples. His teaching materials, which include links to his course digication pages, sample writing assignments, blogs, student work, and a prezi archive, are so exciting and thoughtful that readers of this portfolio might long to enroll in his classes. For example, his fall 107 class inspired by the Netflix documentary Cooked engages students in the examination of the cultural, environmental, medical, and aesthetic aspects of food and cooking. Not surprisingly his professional development section reveals his own commitment to life-long learning and service to the community. Students and faculty will find much to learn from in David’s portfolio.


Sarah Snyder

Combining professionalism with sheer enthusiasm for teaching and learning, Sarah’s Teaching Portfolio is a thoughtful curated collection of her teaching experiences as a scholar and teacher. As her Teaching Philosophy explains, for her teaching and research are inseparable, with one inspiring the other, with one raising questions and the other providing answers. Her teaching experiences address an impressive range of students from first year L2 learners to graduate students, and the portfolio includes an annotated sample syllabus and a lesson plan for teaching lexical variety. Her CV is an excellent example of how to make that traditional document more reader-friendly by breaking it into sections, and her evidence of teaching effectiveness includes an observation report from a colleague and another from a mentor who both offer specific insights into Sarah’s teaching. It is not surprising to find that her students comment on the value they find in her creative teaching. Perhaps what is most admirable about this portfolio is the way that Sarah’s voice and personality leap off every page so that having read her portfolio an audience feels that they have met her in person.


Elizabeth Lowry

Peppered with glorious images of Arizona, Elizabeth’s Portfolio is a delightful example of how images can enhance text. As her brief biography explains, Elizabeth has a rich cosmopolitan background, growing up in England, attending college in Philadelphia, and then earning an MFA and an MA before completing a PhD at Arizona State University. Her portfolio archives digication pages for both her own First Year Composition classes and her graduate classes on teaching First-Year Composition. Her ePortfolio pages collect a wealth of materials that she has created for other teachers to use. On her multimodal pages, visitors will find a fascinating clip of William Burroughs and an intriguing article she has written on the Jodi Arias phenomenon. Her portfolio overall is a reminder of the outstanding service Elizabeth has performed in her years of working with new TAs, mentoring them and providing them with materials they can build on as they develop as teachers.


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Exemplary ePortfolio Awards are given to students and faculty for portfolios that both included exceptional writing and made good use of the affordances of the eportfolio technology. Winners were celebrated in a showcase and awards ceremony.


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Students Recognized for Exemplary E-Portfolios

$200 awards:

Gavriella Berk — English 102 —  Katherine Heenan 

Gavriella's portfolio reflects her creativity and well-considered use of the affordances of Digication. The portfolio consists of a Project One assignment that analyzes  a visual text, a Project Two assignment that involves an OpEd piece and PSA, and a Project Three assignment that asks students to work in groups to create a multimodal presentation. Gavriella's work in each of these areas demonstrates that she researched each topic thoroughly and assembled arguments based on her findings. Gavriella’s reflections on her writing process show clearly her sense of rhetorical awareness.

Eileen Candidato, — English 302  —   Adelheid Thieme

Eilleen Candidato’s portfolio for her ENG 302: Business Writing class provides a nicely organized portfolio of a wide range of assignments and the rationales for these projects. Her use of uploading documents as media files to be displayed with their original formatting makes the documents look professional and help show her abilities to present well-designed documents. Her use of multiple modules within each section help the viewer to navigate the portfolio with ease. And finally, her inclusion of some of the “treasures” she found in her class lets the audience have a glimpse into the content of the class directly, helping provide a context for the assignments. Overall, an outstanding portfolio.

Pat Pataranutaporn— English 107 —   Valerie Fazel 

Pat’s e-portfolio immediately engages the viewer with fun and dynamic images on his “Welcome” page. In addition to appealing text, Project Three showcases Digication’s ability to blend visual images with words. Pat includes several photographs and even the trailer for the movie Avatar to enhance his reader’s experience as they read his essay on “Nostalgia in Transnational Pop Culture.”  A strong sense of who Pat is as a person and an author permeates every page of the portfolio with the inclusion of a stylized portrait in the header, and his biography page includes nearly 30 pictures of him from child to student.

$100 awards:

Ziad Zee Abuzenada — English 108 —  Courtney Fowler

Ziyad’s e-portfolio captures the audience's attention with great pictures, showing his enthusiasm for traveling and adventure in the “About me” section. The "About E-Portfolio" page helps the audience understand the purpose of each writing project. Each writing sample is well written and organized, presenting the author's advanced competencies in writing. In the rhetorical analysis project, the author effectively uses rhetorical terms to analyze and evaluate the article. For the policy proposal project, the author chose a problem he personally experienced and uses his experience to support his claim that the mandatory housing policy should be amended. The qualitative argument project shows how a restaurant can be evaluated in terms of the quality of food and service.

Muath Alsalamah — English 108 —  Courtney Fowler

At first glance, this portfolio looks like it might belong to an art major -- with the neon drops of color on a black backdrop. Actually, Muath describes himself as a student who is passionate about numbers. His portfolio describes his personal beliefs, career goals, and showcases his ENG 108 work. Project Two, titled “Baked Lasagna,” shows off some tempting pictures of his favorite food and qualitative essay subject. This portfolio has a great balance of professionalism and personality.

Emanuel Becquer — English 484 —  Teachers: Ruby Macksoud & Adelheid Thieme

Emanuel Bécquer’s portfolio provided a lens into his experience in his ENG 484 internship at the Society of St. Vincent de Paul at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel during summer 2014. In the portfolio, he used the format of the multiple sections and modules to give us insights into both the mission of the Society’s outreach as well as how this fits in with his own biomedical informatics degree and his previous internships. His portfolio provides a range of digital resources, from a video about the Society of St. Vincent de Paul placement, to weekly journal reflections on his experiences in the internship. What was particularly impressive about this portfolio was how he was able to use the Digication platform to develop a further online presence for both himself as well as his internship location.

Danielle Forman — ENG 101 —  Shavawn Berry

The organization and display of Danielle's e-portfolio makes clear she has a photographer’s eye. She presents a variety of images—some represent the work of well-known artists while others illustrate the work of lesser-known artists. She also incorporates visual elements in each of her compositions—from major assignments to free writes. Her e-portfolio is well organized, clearly showcases her work, her skills as a writer, and her desire to share that work with an audience. Her work illustrates a thoughtful consideration of how to present her work in a digital space.

Marios Hadjimichael — English 101 —  Katherine Heenan

Marios' e-portfolio stands out for a variety of reasons. Right from the home page, it is clear that he goes above and beyond in design by incorporating a unique scrolling feature, which is a delightful surprise. His work is beautifully presented, from his smooth blend of personal introduction and e-portfolio purpose on his “About” page to his multi-function assignment pages that do all of the following: describe to his audience what the assignment consists of, provide links to the instructor's original assignment instructions, and showcase his own work in response to the assignments.  His design, site navigation, and visual choices are excellent.

Thu Hoang— English 102 — Katherine Heenan

Thu's e-portfolio has a very inviting home page, complete with an introduction to the course it was created for and a clear e-portfolio purpose page. She also provides thorough project pages with multiple parts: her own description for her audience, a link to the original assignment instructions from her instructor, her own final draft of the assignment, as well as her assignment reflection. Her visual choices for the banner and background are beautiful and appealing, and her completion of the required elements is well-rounded.

Kaveh Kompani — English 101 —  Katherine Heenan

Kaveh's e-portfolio demonstrates a compelling engagement with diverse modalities. The portfolio consists of a Project One assignment that includes a literacy narrative sound file, a Project Two assignment that analyzes political cartoons, and a Project Three assignment that asks students to convey a concept in 60 seconds on video. Kaveh’s completed work indicates that experimenting with these various modalities enhanced his capacity to think critically.

Ashley Hyland — English 302 —  Sarah Duerden

Ashley Hyland’s portfolio for her ENG 302: Business Writing class provides an excellently curated collection of the variety of assignments she completed, presented in a way to show future employers her communication skills in the workforce. She has used a variety of techniques – from reformatting for the web to direct uploads to uploads within a media gallery – to offer various views of this writing in formats that provide ease to the reader. Especially of note was her formatting of her resume for the web and in a word document for download, her in-depth introduction to herself and her work-related goals, and her short report recommending standing desks for a company.

Justine Ke Wang — English 107 —  Valerie Fazel

Justine Ke Wang's e-portfolio presents interesting cultural analysis projects about transnational Korean pop culture. The author chooses pictures to highlight the impact of popular cultural influences and transnational fandom. The separate sections of videos, images, and works cited serve not only to show the author's extensive research on the subject but also to expand the transnational cultural flow of a Korean artist. The writing projects present good case studies about how one develops a fan identity and how fandom is created. The author reflects and analyzes her own experiences as a fan and explores the function of social media in transnational, cross-cultural phenomena.

Zhihan Jennifer Zhang — English 302 —  Sarah Duerden

Jennifer’s e-portfolio demonstrates her professional writing skills throughout as she details her professional skills, educational background, and work experience. Her work throughout the portfolio—from her business correspondence to her proposals and presentations—is that of a skilled writer. Jennifer includes visual elements to produce well-designed documents. She presents a professional tone and consistent design that works to showcase her skills and the quality of her work.  

Teachers Recognized for Professional E-Portfolios

$200 awards:

$100 awards: 


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Exemplary Student ePortfolio Awards

Exemplary Faculty ePortfolio Awards