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The AETA website was created by English teachers, for English teachers, and for anyone and everyone who might find it useful in meeting the needs of young people. The Arizona English Teachers’ Association, the state affiliate of the National Council of Teachers of English, exists to serve you, to provide you with a forum for expressing your thoughts and feelings about this great vocation of ours, and to provide resources to help you. Among and across all of us, we have great collective experience and wisdom, including the answers to many teaching issues and problems, and the AETA is a place for sharing this knowledge and experience. We provide a means for sharing effective teaching approaches, meaningful literature, useful activities, insightful professional books, and whatever else you have discovered over the course of your career.

Among the services AETA provides, in addition to their website, are the Arizona English Bulletin, a well-respected professional journal about English education; Connections, our newsletter (named by NCTE as the best in the nation in 2006), a news publication rich with information about upcoming and past events in English education, as well as helpful articles on pedagogy written by outstanding teachers at a variety of levels; our annual AETA Convention, a two-day conference featuring a different popular author, as well as a plethora of presentations from nationally known speakers, important figures in education, and our own Arizona colleagues from K-12 schools, universities and colleges.

For more information, please contact James Blasingame:

Visit the AETA web site